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General Meeting Photos
March 20th, February 20th, April 17th, & May 15th 2023
Click the Show More button below, photos are in chronological sequence.

5/15/2023 - Adele Large, Health & Wellness Chair, receives from Roi the 1st Place certificate
The GHWC Health & Wellness CSP received First Place award from the GFWC Florida Federation of Women's Clubs. Thank you Adele (current CSP chair) and Patty Hartsfield & Annette Felahis (previous CSP Chairs) for all that you do for our community!

5/15/2023 Jerri Harper, Food & Beverage Director, receives appreciation gift from President Roi
Thank you Jeri for everything you do for us!

5/15/23 - Teresa Rizzo - Executive Director- Flagler County Education Foundation
Teresa gave the membership an update about the Foundations accomplishments and goals

5/15/23 GHWC Scholarship recipients - Isabella Tietje and Maya Palacios
Isabella & Maya are headed to U.F. Congratulations to both and best wishes for the future!

5/15/23 - Scholarship recipient, Isabella is joined by her parents, Roi, Teresa & Jennifer Ames

5/15/23 Maya Palacios

5/15/23 - Isabella Tietje

5/15/23 - Scholarship recipient, Maya Palacios, is joined by her dad, Jennifer Ames, Teresa Rizzo

5/15/23 Display table of Material Girls various projects
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